HSK 3 Example Sentences (HSK 2.0)

Example sentences for all 300 HSK 3 vocabulary – learn how to use each of the HSK 3 words in a sentence.
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啊 (a)   阿姨 (ā yí)   矮 (ǎi)   爱好 (ài hào)   安静 (ān jìng)


把 (bǎ)   半 (bàn)   搬 (bān)   班 (bān)   办法 (bàn fǎ)   办公室 (bàn gōng shì)   帮忙 (bāng máng)   饱 (bǎo)   包 (bāo)   被 (bèi)   北方 (běi fāng)   笔记本 (bǐ jì běn)   比较 (bǐ jiào)   比赛 (bǐ sài)   必须 (bì xū)   鼻子 (bí zi)   变化 (biàn huà)   别人 (bié ren)   冰箱 (bīng xiāng)   不但 x 而且 y (bù​ dàn x ér​ qiě y)


菜单 (cài dān)   参加 (cān jiā)   草 (cǎo)   层 (céng)   差 (chà)   超市 (chāo shì)   衬衫 (chèn shān)   成绩 (chéng jì)   城市 (chéng shì)   迟到 (chí dào)   除了 (chú le)   船 (chuán)   春 (chūn)   词典 (cí diǎn)   聪明 (cōng ming)


打扫 (dǎ sǎo)   打算 (dǎ suàn)   带 (dài)   蛋糕 (dàn gāo)   担心 (dān xīn)   当然 (dāng rán)   地 (de)   灯 (dēng)   地方 (dì fang)   地铁 (dì tiě)   地图 (dì tú)   电梯 (diàn tī)   电子邮件 (diàn zǐ yóu jiàn)   东 (dōng)   冬 (dōng)   动物 (dòng wù)   段 (duàn)   短 (duǎn)   锻炼 (duàn liàn)   多么 (duō me)


饿 (è)   耳朵 (ěr duo)


发 (fā)   发烧 (fā shāo)   发现 (fā xiàn)   放 (fàng)   方便 (fāng biàn)   放心 (fàng xīn)   分 (fēn)   附近 (fù jìn)   复习 (fù xí)


干净 (gān jìng)   感冒 (gǎn mào)   感兴趣 (gǎn xìng qù)   刚才 (gāng cái)   个子 (gè zi)   跟 (gēn)   根据 (gēn jù)   更 (gèng)   公斤 (gōng jīn)   公园 (gōng yuán)   故事 (gù shi)   刮风 (guā fēng)   关 (guān)   关系 (guān xì)   关心 (guān xīn)   关于 (guān yú)   过 (guò)   国家 (guó jiā)   过去 (guò qù)


害怕 (hài pà)   还是 (hái shì)   黑板 (hēi bǎn)   后来 (hòu lái)   护照 (hù zhào)   画 (huà)   花 (huā)   花 (huā)   坏 (huài)   还 (huán)   换 (huàn)   环境 (huán jìng)   欢迎 (huān yíng)   黄河 (huáng​ hé)   回答 (huí dá)   会议 (huì yì)   或者 (huò zhě)


极 (jí)   记得 (jì de)   几乎 (jī hū)   机会 (jī huì)   季节 (jì jié)   检查 (jiǎn chá)   简单 (jiǎn dān)   健康 (jiàn kāng)   见面 (jiàn miàn)   讲 (jiǎng)   脚 (jiǎo)   角 (jiǎo)   教 (jiāo)   借 (jiè)   接 (jiē)   街道 (jiē dào)   结婚 (jié hūn)   解决 (jiě jué)   节目 (jié mù)   节日 (jié rì)   结束 (jié shù)   经常 (jīng cháng)   经过 (jīng guò)   经理 (jīng lǐ)   旧 (jiù)   久 (jiǔ)   句子 (jù zi)   决定 (jué dìng)


刻 (kè)   渴 (kě)   可爱 (kě ài)   客人 (kè rén)   空调 (kōng tiáo)   口 (kǒu)   哭 (kū)   裤子 (kù zi)   筷子 (kuài zi)


蓝 (lán)   老 (lǎo)   离开 (lí kāi)   历史 (lì shǐ)   礼物 (lǐ wù)   脸 (liǎn)   练习 (liàn xí)   辆 (liàng)   了解 (liǎo jiě)   聊天 (liáo tiān)   邻居 (lín jū)   留学 (liú xué)   楼 (lóu)   绿 (lǜ)


马 (mǎ)   马上 (mǎ shàng)   满意 (mǎn yì)   帽子 (mào zi)   米 (mǐ)   面包 (miàn bāo)   明白 (míng bai)


拿 (ná)   奶奶 (nǎi nai)   南 (nán)   难 (nán)   难过 (nán guò)   年级 (nián jí)   年轻 (nián qīng)   鸟 (niǎo)   努力 (nǔ lì)


爬山 (pá shān)   盘子 (pán zi)   胖 (pàng)   啤酒 (pí jiǔ)   皮鞋 (pí xié)   瓶子 (píng zi)


骑 (qí)   起飞 (qǐ fēi)   奇怪 (qí guài)   起来 (qǐ lái)   其实 (qí shí)   其他 (qí tā)   清楚 (qīng chu)   请假 (qǐng jià)   秋 (qiū)   裙子 (qún zi)


然后 (rán hòu)   热情 (rè​ qíng)   认为 (rèn wéi)   认真 (rèn zhēn)   容易 (róng yì)   如果 (rú guǒ)


伞 (sǎn)   上网 (shàng wǎng)   生气 (shēng qì)   声音 (shēng yīn)   试 (shì)   世界 (shì jiè)   瘦 (shòu)   树 (shù)   舒服 (shū fu)   叔叔 (shū shu)   数学 (shù xué)   刷牙 (shuā yá)   双 (shuāng)   水平 (shuǐ píng)   司机 (sī jī)


太阳 (tài yáng)   特别 (tè bié)   疼 (téng)   提高 (tí gāo)   体育 (tǐ yù)   甜 (tián)   条 (tiáo)   同事 (tóng shì)   同意 (tóng yì)   头发 (tóu fa)   突然 (tū rán)   图书馆 (tú shū guǎn)   腿 (tuǐ)


万 (wàn)   碗 (wǎn)   完成 (wán chéng)   忘记 (wàng jì)   为 (wèi)   位 (wèi)   为了 (wèi le)   文化 (wén huà)


西 (xī)   习惯 (xí guàn)   洗手间 (xǐ shǒu jiān)   洗澡 (xǐ zǎo)   夏 (xià)   先 (xiān)   向 (xiàng)   像 (xiàng)   香蕉 (xiāng jiāo)   相信 (xiāng xìn)   小心 (xiǎo xīn)   校长 (xiào zhǎng)   新闻 (xīn wén)   新鲜 (xīn xiān)   信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ)   行李箱 (xíng li xiāng)   熊猫 (xióng māo)   需要 (xū yào)   选择 (xuǎn zé)


要求 (yāo qiú)   爷爷 (yé ye)   一般 (yì bān)   一边 (yì biān)   一定 (yí dìng)   一共 (yí gòng)   一会儿 (yí huì r)   以前 (yǐ qián)   一样 (yí yàng)   一直 (yī zhí)   银行 (yín háng)   饮料 (yǐn liào)   音乐 (yīn yuè)   应该 (yīng gāi)   影响 (yǐng xiǎng)   用 (yòng)   又 (yòu)   有名 (yǒu míng)   游戏 (yóu xì)   遇到 (yù dào)   元 (yuán)   愿意 (yuàn yì)   越 (yuè)   月亮 (yuè liang)


站 (zhàn)   长 (zhǎng)   张 (zhāng)   照顾 (zhào gù)   着急 (zháo jí)   照片 (zhào piàn)   照相机 (zhào xiàng jī)   只 (zhǐ)   只 (zhī)   只有 x 才 y (zhǐ yǒu x cái y)   种 (zhǒng)   中间 (zhōng jiān)   中文 (Zhōng wén)   重要 (zhòng yào)   终于 (zhōng yú)   周末 (zhōu mò)   主要 (zhǔ yào)   注意 (zhù yì)   自己 (zì jǐ)   自行车 (zì xíng chē)   总是 (zǒng shì)   嘴 (zuǐ)   最后 (zuì hòu)   最近 (zuì jìn)   作业 (zuò yè)

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啊 (a) Example Sentence


阿姨 (ā yí) Example Sentence

阿姨,我真的饱了,我吃不了这块蛋糕Aunt, I'm really full, I can't eat this piece of cake anymore

矮 (ǎi) Example Sentence

我的妹妹很矮My little sister is very short

爱好 (ài hào) Example Sentence

游泳是我最大的爱好Swimming is my most beloved hobby

安静 (ān jìng) Example Sentence

你今天怎么那么安静?Why are you so silent today?

把 (bǎ) Example Sentence

你把这个给我Give me this

半 (bàn) Example Sentence

我已经在中国半年了I've been in China for half a year already

搬 (bān) Example Sentence

你明天有时间帮我搬家吗?Do you have time tomorrow to help me move?

班 (bān) Example Sentence

这个斑的学生都会说汉语The students of this class are all able to speak Chinese

办法 (bàn fǎ) Example Sentence

我也没有办法I can't do anything about that either

办公室 (bàn gōng shì) Example Sentence

如果你们有问题你们就来我办公室找我If you have questions you can come to my office

帮忙 (bāng máng) Example Sentence

你可以帮我一个很大的忙吗?Could you do me a big favour?

饱 (bǎo) Example Sentences

你饱了吗?Are you full?
我好饱I am very full

包 (bāo) Example Sentence

你的包很漂亮,是新买的吗?Your bag is beautiful, is it a new one?

被 (bèi) Example Sentence

这个都被你吃完了This was all eaten by you

北方 (běi fāng) Example Sentence

一月的时候中国北方的天气很冷In January the weather is very cold in China's northern area

笔记本 (bǐ jì běn) Example Sentence

我想买个新笔记本I want to buy a new notebook

比较 (bǐ jiào) Example Sentence

我喜欢这个菜,但是还是那个菜比较好吃I like this dish, but that one still tastes a little bit better

比赛 (bǐ sài) Example Sentence

明天我和我弟弟一起去看足球比赛Tomorrow my little brother and I go to see a football match

必须 (bì xū) Example Sentence

如果你想住在宾馆你就必须带你的护照If you want to stay at a hotel you have to bring your passport

鼻子 (bí zi) Example Sentence

我的鼻子比一般的中国人大My nose is bigger than the one of an average Chinese

变化 (biàn huà) Example Sentence

这真是一个很大的变化This is really a big change

别人 (bié ren) Example Sentence

别人说什么不重要,你自己想学汉语就学吧It's not important what other people are saying, if you want to study Mandarin study

冰箱 (bīng xiāng) Example Sentence

把那些东西都放到冰箱Put all those things in the fridge

不但 x 而且 y (bù​ dàn x ér​ qiě y) Example Sentence

他不但有钱而且人很好He's not only rich but also a great guy

菜单 (cài dān) Example Sentence

服务员,请给我们菜单Waiter, the menu please

参加 (cān jiā) Example Sentence

我当然要参加今年的游泳比赛Of course I will take part in this year's swimming competition

草 (cǎo) Example Sentence

一般的牛喜欢吃草Normal cows like eating grass

层 (céng) Example Sentence

他的办公室在八层His office is on the 8th floor

差 (chà) Example Sentence

我的汉语不错,但是我的数学很差My Mandarin is quite good, but my maths is really bad

超市 (chāo shì) Example Sentence

离我们家最近的超市很小The supermarket closest to our home is very small

衬衫 (chèn shān) Example Sentence

我想给我弟弟买件新的衬衫I want to buy my little brother a new shirt

成绩 (chéng jì) Example Sentence

妈妈一看到我的成绩就很高兴As soon as my mum saw my marks she was very happy

城市 (chéng shì) Example Sentence

我觉得大城市比小城市有意思得多I think big cities are a lot more interesting than small ones

迟到 (chí dào) Example Sentence

明天有考试,你不要迟到Tomorrow is a test, don't be late

除了 (chú le) Example Sentences

除了这几块我没什么钱Except for those bucks I do not have any money
除了你我没有别的女人You are the only girl in my life

船 (chuán) Example Sentence

买船比买车贵得多It is a lot more expensive to buy a ship than to by a car

春 (chūn) Example Sentences

春节是中国最重要的节日Spring festival is China's most important festival
我很喜欢春天的天气I really like the weather in spring

词典 (cí diǎn) Example Sentence

一本好的词典对学习语言很有帮助A good dictionary helps a lot when studying a new language

聪明 (cōng ming) Example Sentence

我是我们班最聪明的学生I am the brightest student in our class

打扫 (dǎ sǎo) Example Sentence

明天我爸爸妈妈来看我,我一定要打扫我的房间Tomorrow my mum and my dad come to see me, I really have to clean my room

打算 (dǎ suàn) Example Sentence

明年我打算去中国学汉语Next year I plan to go to China to study Mandarin

带 (dài) Example Sentence

今天很冷,带帽子吧It is very cold today, you should wear a hat

蛋糕 (dàn gāo) Example Sentence

中国的蛋糕不便宜Chinese cakes are not cheap

担心 (dān xīn) Example Sentence

妈妈,你不用担心,我不喝酒Mum, you don't need to worry, I won't drink alcohol

当然 (dāng rán) Example Sentence

你问我我爱谁?当然是你!You are asking me who I love? You of course!

地 (de) Example Sentence

你慢慢地走吧Go slowly, take care

灯 (dēng) Example Sentence

我的灯坏了,我现在要用我手机的灯看书My light is broken, now I have to use my mobile phone to read the book

地方 (dì fang) Example Sentence

这个地方真漂亮This place is really beautiful

地铁 (dì tiě) Example Sentence

我每天坐地铁去上班I go to work by subway every day

地图 (dì tú) Example Sentence

我不懂这城市的地图I don't get the map of this city

电梯 (diàn tī) Example Sentence

我住在24层,你乘电梯上来吧I'm living on the 24th floor, use the elevator to come up

电子邮件 (diàn zǐ yóu jiàn) Example Sentence

我现在还不知道,我明天给你写电子邮件I don't know yet, I'll write you an email tomorrow

东 (dōng) Example Sentence

向东走五百米就是医院Go east for 500m, then you get to a hospital

冬 (dōng) Example Sentence

冬天你一定要多穿一点衣服In winter you have to wear more clothes

动物 (dòng wù) Example Sentence

你最喜欢哪种动物?Which animal do you like most?

段 (duàn) Example Sentence

这一段你写得很好This paragraph you wrote very well

短 (duǎn) Example Sentence

我们昨天看的电影很短The film we watched yesterday was very short

锻炼 (duàn liàn) Example Sentence

我每个星期五去锻炼身体Every Friday I am going for a work-out

多么 (duō me) Example Sentence

我觉得你不知道你的女朋友有多么漂亮I think you do not realize how beautiful your girlfriend is

饿 (è) Example Sentence

我好饿,把你的苹果给我I am starving, give me your apple

耳朵 (ěr duo) Example Sentence

那么高大的人怎么可能有那么小的耳朵?How can such a big person have so small ears?

发 (fā) Example Sentence

麻烦你给大家发一下材料Please send everyone the material

发烧 (fā shāo) Example Sentence

我发烧了,我今天不能去上课I have fever, I cannot go to class today

发现 (fā xiàn) Example Sentence

我发现,学汉语其实很有意思I found out, studying Chinese is actually quite interesting

放 (fàng) Example Sentence

你把这个放到那儿Put this over there

方便 (fāng biàn) Example Sentence

在宾馆的一层有超市,这个很方便At the first floor of the hotel there's a supermarket, that's very convenient

放心 (fàng xīn) Example Sentence

你放心吧,你考得很不错Relax, you did quite well at the test

分 (fēn) Example Sentence

现在是5点17分It's 5:17 now

附近 (fù jìn) Example Sentence

在我家的附近超市,地铁站,饭馆都有A supermarket, subway station and restaurants, that can all be found nearby my home

复习 (fù xí) Example Sentence

你一定要每天复习你新学的词语You really need to revise your newly learned words every day

干净 (gān jìng) Example Sentence

我是男人,我的房间当然不太干净I am a man, of course my room is not very clean

感冒 (gǎn mào) Example Sentence

你穿得太少了,你不要感冒You are not wearing enough, take care not to catch a cold

感兴趣 (gǎn xìng qù) Example Sentence

我对学汉语很感兴趣I'm very interested in learning Chinese

刚才 (gāng cái) Example Sentence

我刚才看到了我的好朋友I have just seen my good friend

个子 (gè zi) Example Sentence

她的个子很高,她弟弟的个子也很高She is very tall, her little brother is as well

跟 (gēn) Example Sentences

你跟我一起去吧Go with me together!
你跟着我吧Follow me!
我跟你不一样You and I are different

根据 (gēn jù) Example Sentence

根据你刚才说的话,你真的很爱这个女人Based on what you just said, you really love this girl

更 (gèng) Example Sentence

我喜欢她,但是我更喜欢你I like her, but I like you even more

公斤 (gōng jīn) Example Sentence

一公斤多少钱?How much is one kilogram?

公园 (gōng yuán) Example Sentence

在中国早上很多老人家去公园锻炼身体In China a lot of old people go to the park in the morning to do some exercise

故事 (gù shi) Example Sentence

你问一下你的叔叔,他知道很多很好的故事Ask your uncle, he knows a lot of good stories

刮风 (guā fēng) Example Sentence

今天刮大风,你多穿点衣服吧The wind today is quite strong, you better wear enough clothes!

关 (guān) Example Sentence

你把门关上吧,外面太冷了Close the door, it is too cold outside

关系 (guān xì) Example Sentence

我们的关系很好We get along very well

关心 (guān xīn) Example Sentence

我来医院看你是因为我关心你I came to the hospital to see you because I care about you

关于 (guān yú) Example Sentence

关于你的儿子,他的老师说他是很好的学生Concerning your son, his teacher said he is a very good student

过 (guò) Example Sentence

时间过得真快,我马上就要回国了Time flies by, I'm almost about to move back to my home country

国家 (guó jiā) Example Sentence

中国是很大的国家China is a big country

过去 (guò qù) Example Sentence

我知道这个事情让你很难过,但是这个也会过去的I know this thing makes you very sad, but that will go by as well

害怕 (hài pà) Example Sentence

我害怕我的老师I am afraid of my teacher

还是 (hái shì) Example Sentences

我不知道我要买这个还是那个I do not know whether to buy this or that
你还是很漂亮的You are still very beautiful

黑板 (hēi bǎn) Example Sentence

你们别说话,看黑板Don't talk, look at the blackboard

后来 (hòu lái) Example Sentence

后来她知道了事情的真相Later she found out the truth

护照 (hù zhào) Example Sentence

我明天坐飞机去北京,但是我找不到我的护照I'm going to Beijing tomorrow by plane, but I can't find my passport

画 (huà) Example Sentence

我朋友非常喜欢画画My friend really likes drawing pictures

花 (huā) Example Sentence

我昨天花了好多钱买花I have spent a lot of money yesterday on flowers

花 (huā) Example Sentence

我昨天花了很多钱I spent a lot of money yesterday

坏 (huài) Example Sentences

你好坏You are evil
我的杯子坏了My cup is broken

还 (huán) Example Sentence

我还你铅笔I give you your pencil back

换 (huàn) Example Sentence

这件衬衫你已经穿了五天,你换一件新的吧You have been wearing this shirt for 5 days already, go and change to a new one!

环境 (huán jìng) Example Sentence

我住的地方的环境很不错The area where I live is quite nice

欢迎 (huān yíng) Example Sentence


黄河 (huáng​ hé) Example Sentence

黄河很长The Yellow River is very long

回答 (huí dá) Example Sentence

我问你,你回答我I ask you, you answer

会议 (huì yì) Example Sentence

你一定要参加这次的会议,比上次的有意思得多You definitely have to attend this upcoming meeting, it's gonna be a lot more interesting than the last one

或者 (huò zhě) Example Sentences

我早上七点或者八点起床I am getting up at 7 or 8 in the morning
或者他今天很忙Or he might be very busy today

极 (jí) Example Sentences

有一天我想去南极One day I want to go to the South Pole
我忙极了I'm extremely busy

记得 (jì de) Example Sentence

我还记得,我们一起去北京的时候你也穿了这件衣服I still remember, when we went to Beijing together you also wore this clothes

几乎 (jī hū) Example Sentence

你的苹果我几乎都吃完了I have eaten almost all of your apples

机会 (jī huì) Example Sentence

谢谢你们给我这个机会,我们一起努力吧Thank you for giving me this opportunity, together we will work very hard

季节 (jì jié) Example Sentence

在这家公司冬天就是最忙的季节At this company, winter is the busiest season

检查 (jiǎn chá) Example Sentence

你让医生检查一下你的腿Let the doctor have a look at your leg

简单 (jiǎn dān) Example Sentence

这个问题很简单That is a very simple question

健康 (jiàn kāng) Example Sentence

因为我每天吃苹果,每天去锻炼身体,所以我身体很健康Because I eat apples every day and go for a work-out, I am healthy

见面 (jiàn miàn) Example Sentence

我们明天十一点在老师的办公室见面吧Let's meet tomorrow at 11 at the teacher's office

讲 (jiǎng) Example Sentence

开会的时候你想我讲什么?What do you want me to say at the meeting?

脚 (jiǎo) Example Sentence

大脚的人比小脚的人游得快People with big feet swim quicker than people with small feet

角 (jiǎo) Example Sentence

这张画的左下角有问题The lower left corner of this picture is faulty

教 (jiāo) Example Sentence

这个老师教汉语This teacher teaches Mandarin

借 (jiè) Example Sentence

我可以借这本书吗?Can I borrow this book?

接 (jiē) Example Sentence

我打了好几次,你为什么不接电话?I have called you quite a few times, why do you never answer the phone?

街道 (jiē dào) Example Sentence

这条街道是新的,在那边开车没问题This street is new, driving there is no problem

结婚 (jié hūn) Example Sentence

你们打算什么时候结婚?When do you plan to marry?

解决 (jiě jué) Example Sentence

我的数学真不好,你知道怎么解决这个问题吗?My maths is really bad, do you know how to solve this task?

节目 (jié mù) Example Sentence

这个节目很好玩儿This program is great fun

节日 (jié rì) Example Sentence

明天是节日,你不用来上课Tomorrow is a holiday, you don't need to go to school

结束 (jié shù) Example Sentence

我们的会议马上就结束Our meeting is almost at the end

经常 (jīng cháng) Example Sentence

我经常去踢足球I often go play soccer

经过 (jīng guò) Example Sentence

经过很多年的学习我终于可以说:我会说汉语After many years of study I can finally say: I can speak Mandarin

经理 (jīng lǐ) Example Sentence

我的经理人很好,每天都让我早点下班My manager is a nice person, he always allows me to leave work a little bit too early

旧 (jiù) Example Sentence

我的雨伞已经很旧,我应该去买新的My umbrella is already very old, I should go and buy a new one

久 (jiǔ) Example Sentence

好久不见We haven't seen each other for quite some time

句子 (jù zi) Example Sentence

这些句子很长These sentences are very long

决定 (jué dìng) Example Sentence

你决定了吗?Have you made a decision?

刻 (kè) Example Sentence

我们十点一刻见面吧Let's meet at 10:15

渴 (kě) Example Sentence

你渴吗?Are you thirsty?

可爱 (kě ài) Example Sentence

你的女儿非常可爱,她几岁?Your daughter is really cute, how old is she?

客人 (kè rén) Example Sentence

今天晚上我家有客人,所以我不能出去玩儿Tonight we have guests at home, so I cannot go out

空调 (kōng tiáo) Example Sentence

我们的空调坏了,还好今天天气没有那么热Our air conditioning is broken, lucky that the weather isn't that hot today

口 (kǒu) Example Sentence

吃一口吧Eat one bite

哭 (kū) Example Sentence

你不要哭,我们一起想办法吧Don't cry, we'll look for a solution together

裤子 (kù zi) Example Sentence

我需要一条新的裤子I need a new pair of trousers

筷子 (kuài zi) Example Sentence

你会用筷子吗?Are you able to use chopsticks?

蓝 (lán) Example Sentence

这条蓝色的裙子真好看This blue skirt really looks great

老 (lǎo) Example Sentences

我老了I am old now
他老去问他妈要钱He is always going to his mum to ask for money

离开 (lí kāi) Example Sentence

我真不想离开你,但是我要去我老家看我爸爸妈妈I really don't want to leave you, but I have to go home to see my parents

历史 (lì shǐ) Example Sentence

我们都很喜欢我们的历史老师We all really like our history teacher

礼物 (lǐ wù) Example Sentence

这是个礼物,我送给你This is a present, I am giving it to you

脸 (liǎn) Example Sentences

你的脸很漂亮Your face is beautiful
我没脸I have no face (honour)
你真不要脸You really do not care about face

练习 (liàn xí) Example Sentences

我和我的朋友每天早上都练习打篮球My friend and I practice playing basketball every morning
老师让我们做这个练习The teacher makes us do this exercise

辆 (liàng) Example Sentence

我昨天买了一辆新的车Yesterday I bought a new car

了解 (liǎo jiě) Example Sentence

我不了解女人I don't get women

聊天 (liáo tiān) Example Sentence

他经常给女朋友打电话聊天He is often giving his girlfriend a call to have a chat

邻居 (lín jū) Example Sentence

有时候我们和邻居一起吃饭Sometimes we eat together with our neighbours

留学 (liú xué) Example Sentence

一个人出国留学很辛苦Going abroad by oneself for studying isn't easy

楼 (lóu) Example Sentence

我住在三楼I'm living on the third floor

绿 (lǜ) Example Sentence

孩子们一看到他做的绿色的蛋糕就很高兴As soon as the kids saw the green cake she made they were very happy

马 (mǎ) Example Sentence

我朋友的马非常喜欢吃花My friend's horse really likes eating flowers

马上 (mǎ shàng) Example Sentence

我马上就到了I am almost there

满意 (mǎn yì) Example Sentence

我考得很好,我特别满意I was really good at the exam, I'm more than satisfied

帽子 (mào zi) Example Sentence

你的帽子很好看,是在哪里买的?Your hat looks great, where did you buy it?

米 (mǐ) Example Sentence

我哥哥一米八,我一米九My older brother is 1.80m tall, I am 1.90

面包 (miàn bāo) Example Sentence

中国的面包一般来说不好吃Chinese bread is usually not too delicious

明白 (míng bai) Example Sentence

我不明白你的意思I don't get what you mean

拿 (ná) Example Sentence

你拿一下我的包,我要去拿钱Take my bag for a moment, I need to get some money

奶奶 (nǎi nai) Example Sentence

我奶奶已经84岁了,但是她还是每天去游泳My grandmother is already 84, but she's still going swimming every day

南 (nán) Example Sentence

中国的南方和北方很不一样China's south is very different from the north

难 (nán) Example Sentence

这个问题很难,我不明白This question is very difficult, I don't get it

难过 (nán guò) Example Sentence

我的猫一个星期没有回家,我很难过My cat hasn't come home for a week, I feel very sad

年级 (nián jí) Example Sentence

这个班是八年级的学生The students of this class are year 8

年轻 (nián qīng) Example Sentence

现在的年轻人一直在看电脑手机Today's young people are always looking at their phone or computer

鸟 (niǎo) Example Sentence

中国人一看到鸟就开始想它好不好吃When Chinese see a bird they immediately start thinking whether the bird tastes good or not

努力 (nǔ lì) Example Sentence

我要每天都努力学习I will work hard every day

爬山 (pá shān) Example Sentence

我每个周末去爬山Every weekend I go hiking

盘子 (pán zi) Example Sentence

我买了一大盘面I bought a big plate of noodles

胖 (pàng) Example Sentence

我好胖I am fat

啤酒 (pí jiǔ) Example Sentence

我们一起喝一杯啤酒吧Let's drink a (glass of) beer together

皮鞋 (pí xié) Example Sentence

这双皮鞋穿着很舒服Tis pair of leather shoes is very comfortable

瓶子 (píng zi) Example Sentence

用过的瓶子不要乱扔,可以回收Don't throw away used bottles, they can be recycled

骑 (qí) Example Sentence

我明天骑我新买的自行车去学校Tomorrow I ride my newly bought bike to school

起飞 (qǐ fēi) Example Sentence

飞机将要起飞,请大家坐好The plain is about to take off, please take your seats

奇怪 (qí guài) Example Sentence

你不觉得这条裙子的颜色很奇怪吗?Don't you think that the colour of this skirt is very weird?

起来 (qǐ lái) Example Sentence

看见老板走进了办公室,他马上站了起来After seeing the boss entering the room he immediately got up

其实 (qí shí) Example Sentence

我朋友说你很漂亮,其实他说得对My friend says you are very beautiful, actually he is right

其他 (qí tā) Example Sentence

这双鞋很好,其他都太贵了This pair of shoes is good, the others are all too expensive

清楚 (qīng chu) Example Sentence

我不太清楚你是什么意思I'm not entirely sure what you mean

请假 (qǐng jià) Example Sentence

我不太舒服,想找老板请假I'm not feeling well. I'll look for the boss to ask him/her to give me a day off

秋 (qiū) Example Sentence

我希望秋天有时间去找你I hope I have time in autumn to visit you

裙子 (qún zi) Example Sentence

我新买的裙子已经破了My newly bought skirt is already destroyed

然后 (rán hòu) Example Sentence

你先把这个做完,然后你可以出去玩儿First finish this, then you can go out and have fun

热情 (rè​ qíng) Example Sentence

他们都很热情They are all very friendly

认为 (rèn wéi) Example Sentence

我认为这本书很有意思I think this book is very interesting

认真 (rèn zhēn) Example Sentence

我一定要认真地学习I will definitely study hard

容易 (róng yì) Example Sentences

回答这个问题很容易It is easy to answer this question
学汉语不容易Learning Mandarin is not easy

如果 (rú guǒ) Example Sentence

如果我有钱,我就买这件衣服If I had money, I would buy this piece of clothing

伞 (sǎn) Example Sentence

今天可能要下雨,带上你的雨伞吧It might be raining today, you should take your umbrella with you

上网 (shàng wǎng) Example Sentence

今天晚上我没有时间,我要上网买东西Today in the evening I don't have time, I will do some online shopping

生气 (shēng qì) Example Sentence

我的公司不给我钱,我很生气My company isn't paying me money, I'm very angry

声音 (shēng yīn) Example Sentence

这个是什么奇怪的声音?What kind of weird sound is that?

试 (shì) Example Sentence

你不试,怎么知道不喜欢?If you don't try, how do you know you don't like it?

世界 (shì jiè) Example Sentence

为什么有那么多人觉得他们自己是世界上最重要的人?Why are there so many people thinking they are the most important person in the world?

瘦 (shòu) Example Sentence

你太瘦了,多吃点吧You are too slim, eat a little bit more

树 (shù) Example Sentence

我家旁边的树很高The tree next to my house is huge

舒服 (shū fu) Example Sentence

这件衬衫很舒服This shirt is very comfortable

叔叔 (shū shu) Example Sentence

我的叔叔自己开公司,他很有钱My uncle has his own company, he is very rich

数学 (shù xué) Example Sentence

我觉得数学是最有意思的课I think maths is the most interesting class

刷牙 (shuā yá) Example Sentence

我每天早上刷牙Every morning I am brushing my teeth

双 (shuāng) Example Sentence

我昨天买了一双新的鞋,很好看吧I bought a new pair of shoes yesterday, look great, don't they?

水平 (shuǐ píng) Example Sentence

我的汉语水平越来越高My Mandarin level is improving constantly

司机 (sī jī) Example Sentence

这位出租车司机对我们都很好This taxi driver was really nice to us

太阳 (tài yáng) Example Sentence

在北京已经下了一个星期的雨,我一个星期没看到太阳It has been raining for a week already in Beijing, I haven't seen the sun for a full week

特别 (tè bié) Example Sentences

我特别喜欢吃苹果I particularly like eating apples
这里的女人都很漂亮,特别是你The girls here are all very beautiful, especially you

疼 (téng) Example Sentence

我生病了,我的头好疼I am sick, my head hurts a lot

提高 (tí gāo) Example Sentence

因为我想提高我的汉语水平,所以我每天都努力学习Because I want to improve my Mandarin level, I study hard each day

体育 (tǐ yù) Example Sentence

这个是我大学的体育馆This is my university's sports building

甜 (tián) Example Sentence

这个苹果好甜This apple is very sweet

条 (tiáo) Example Sentence

我妹妹可能喜欢这条裙子My little sister might really like this skirt

同事 (tóng shì) Example Sentence

星期五我和我的同事们去喝酒On Friday I go drinking with my colleagues

同意 (tóng yì) Example Sentence

你说得很好,我同意你的话Very well said, I agree with what you said

头发 (tóu fa) Example Sentence

她的头发很长Her hair is very long

突然 (tū rán) Example Sentence

门突然开了Suddenly the door opened

图书馆 (tú shū guǎn) Example Sentence

他去了图书馆学习He went to the library to study

腿 (tuǐ) Example Sentence

很多男人喜欢腿长的女人Many men like women with long legs

万 (wàn) Example Sentence

我的新车真不便宜,三十万元,但是我特别喜欢它My new car is really not cheap, 300.000 Yuan, but I really like it

碗 (wǎn) Example Sentence

服务员,再来三碗米饭Waiter, three more bowls of rice

完成 (wán chéng) Example Sentence

作业我要在家里完成I'll finish the homework at home

忘记 (wàng jì) Example Sentence

别忘记你的帽子Don't forget your hat

为 (wèi) Example Sentence

你为比赛准备好了吗?Have you prepared yourself well for the competition?

位 (wèi) Example Sentence

这位老师教汉语This teacher is teaching Mandarin

为了 (wèi le) Example Sentence

我是为了你来北京的Because of you I came to Beijing

文化 (wén huà) Example Sentence

如果要懂中国文化就要学汉语If you want to understand Chinese culture you'll have to study Mandarin

西 (xī) Example Sentence

学汉语对西方人很难It is very difficult for Westerners to learn Mandarin

习惯 (xí guàn) Example Sentence

我习惯了早上五点起床I got used to getting up at 5 in the morning

洗手间 (xǐ shǒu jiān) Example Sentence

我喝太多啤酒了,我要去洗手间I drank too much beer, I need to go to the toilet

洗澡 (xǐ zǎo) Example Sentence

我先洗澡,然后去睡觉I'm taking a shower first, then I'll go to bed

夏 (xià) Example Sentence

北京的夏天很热,你一定会需要空调的The summer in Beijing is very hot, you really need air conditioning

先 (xiān) Example Sentence

你先给我钱Give me the money first

向 (xiàng) Example Sentences

从那里向右边走There turn right
我们向那边走吧Let's go this way

像 (xiàng) Example Sentence

大家都说我们很像Everybody says we look very similar

香蕉 (xiāng jiāo) Example Sentence

香蕉又便宜又好吃Bananas are both, cheap and delicious

相信 (xiāng xìn) Example Sentence

我不相信你I don't believe you

小心 (xiǎo xīn) Example Sentence

这条路的车很多,你要小心There are loads of cars on this street, take care!

校长 (xiào zhǎng) Example Sentence

我的学校很大,所以我们的校长每天都很忙My school is very big, so our headmaster is very busy every day

新闻 (xīn wén) Example Sentence

我每天起床以后上网看新闻Every day after getting up I check the news online

新鲜 (xīn xiān) Example Sentence

吃的东西越新鲜越好吃The fresher food is the better it tastes

信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ) Example Sentence

我想办一张信用卡I want to get a credit card

行李箱 (xíng li xiāng) Example Sentence

我的行李箱很重,你帮我拿一下吧My suitcase is very heavy, help me to carry

熊猫 (xióng māo) Example Sentence

在中国熊猫还是比较多的There are still quite a few pandas in China

需要 (xū yào) Example Sentence

我们明天需要这本书,你们今天下午去买吧Tomorrow we need this book, you should buy it in the afternoon today

选择 (xuǎn zé) Example Sentence

这里的选择太多了,我不知道选什么好There are too many choices here, I have no idea what to choose

要求 (yāo qiú) Example Sentence

努力学习,这个是老师对学生最大的要求Study hard, this is the most important request teachers have for their students

爷爷 (yé ye) Example Sentence

我的爷爷很喜欢火车,他每天去火车站看新的火车My grandfather loves trains, he's going to the train station every day to watch the latest trains

一般 (yì bān) Example Sentences

一般来说,中国人不高Generally speaking, Chinese are not tall
你喜欢这本书吗?一般般吧Do you like this book? It is ok
他不是一般的男人He is not a normal man

一边 (yì biān) Example Sentences

一边说一边吃不太好Talking and eating at the same time is not good
一边是红色,一边是黑色One side is red, one is black

一定 (yí dìng) Example Sentence

中国很好,你一定要去China is great, you really have to go

一共 (yí gòng) Example Sentences

一共二十三块23 Yuan altogether
我们一共是十二个人Altogether we are 12 people

一会儿 (yí huì r) Example Sentence

等一会儿Wait a moment

以前 (yǐ qián) Example Sentence

以前北京没有那么大Some time ago Beijing wasn't that big

一样 (yí yàng) Example Sentence

这个苹果和那个苹果一样大This apple and that apple are equally big

一直 (yī zhí) Example Sentence

最近他一直在学习Recently he is always busy with studying

银行 (yín háng) Example Sentence

去吃饭以前我要去银行取钱Before we go for dinner I have to go to the bank to get some money

饮料 (yǐn liào) Example Sentence

喝太多饮料对身体不好Drinking too much isn't good for the body

音乐 (yīn yuè) Example Sentence

晚上我一般来说一边听音乐一边做作业In the evening I'm usually doing my homework and listening to music (at the same time)

应该 (yīng gāi) Example Sentence

你应该去睡觉You should go to bed

影响 (yǐng xiǎng) Example Sentence

我爷爷对我的影响很大The influence my grandfather has on me is very big

用 (yòng) Example Sentences

不用谢No need to thank me
这个怎么用?How do you use this?
我可以用你的手机吗?Can I use your phone?

又 (yòu) Example Sentences

你又问我这个问题You are asking me this question again
你又吃苹果You are eating apples again

有名 (yǒu míng) Example Sentence

这个人在中国很有名This person is really famous in China

游戏 (yóu xì) Example Sentence

我很少用我的电脑做作业,一般来说我玩游戏Very rarely I'm using my computer for homework, usually I'm playing games

遇到 (yù dào) Example Sentence

因为我以前遇到了很多问题,所以我今天那么努力Because I was faced with lots of problems in the past, I am so hard working today

元 (yuán) Example Sentence

三千元3000 RMB

愿意 (yuàn yì) Example Sentence

我愿意帮你学汉语,但是你自己也要努力学习I am willing to help you learn Mandarin, but you yourself have to work hard as well

越 (yuè) Example Sentence

我男朋友越来越有钱My boyfriend is becoming richer and richer

月亮 (yuè liang) Example Sentence

月亮晚上来,早上走The moon is coming in the evening and leaving in the morning

站 (zhàn) Example Sentence

你去离我家最近的地铁站吧,我在那边等你Go to the subway station that is closest to my home, I'll be waiting there for you

长 (zhǎng) Example Sentence

我是在北京长大的I grew up in Beijing

张 (zhāng) Example Sentence

我买了一张票I bought a ticket

照顾 (zhào gù) Example Sentence

我生病了,但是我妈妈照顾我照顾得很好I'm sick, but my mum is taking good care of me

着急 (zháo jí) Example Sentence

别着急,地铁马上来了Don't be nervous, the subway is about to come

照片 (zhào piàn) Example Sentence

这张照片上的人是你吗?Are you the person on this photo?

照相机 (zhào xiàng jī) Example Sentence

这个照相机很好,但是太贵了This camera is great, but too expensive

只 (zhǐ) Example Sentence

我只有一块钱I just have one Yuan/Dollar/etc.

只 (zhī) Example Sentence

我家有三只小猫My family has three cats

只有 x 才 y (zhǐ yǒu x cái y) Example Sentence

只有每天好好学习,才能学好汉语Only when you study every day is it possible to really master Chinese

种 (zhǒng) Example Sentence

这种马跑得最快This kind of horse (this breed) is able to run the quickest

中间 (zhōng jiān) Example Sentence

在中间坐着的人就是我爸爸The person sitting in the middle is my father

中文 (Zhōng wén) Example Sentence

她学习中文专业She is doing a Chinese major

重要 (zhòng yào) Example Sentence

在中国关系很重要In China relationships are very important

终于 (zhōng yú) Example Sentence

我终于到了I have finally arrived

周末 (zhōu mò) Example Sentence

我这个周末去北京买东西This weekend I will go to Beijing to go shopping

主要 (zhǔ yào) Example Sentence

第一个主要问题是钱The first main problem is money

注意 (zhù yì) Example Sentence

你一定要注意他的头发You really have to take a close look at his hair

自己 (zì jǐ) Example Sentence

老师自己也不知道怎么回答这个问题The teacher doesn't know himself how to answer this question

自行车 (zì xíng chē) Example Sentence

我新买的自行车很漂亮The new bike I have bought is very beautiful

总是 (zǒng shì) Example Sentence

去饭馆吃饭我总是吃太多When going out to a restaurant, I'm always eating too much

嘴 (zuǐ) Example Sentence

张嘴,让医生看看你有没有感冒Open your mouth to let the doctor check if you have a cold or not

最后 (zuì hòu) Example Sentence

最后,他赢得了比赛Eventually he won the match

最近 (zuì jìn) Example Sentence

最近我越来越胖Recently I am getting fatter and fatter

作业 (zuò yè) Example Sentence

老师每天给我们作业,他说作业对我们学汉语很有帮助Our teacher gives us homework every day, he says that is very helpful for us studying Mandarin

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.

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