Noun: synthesis Verb: to integrate, to sum up Adjective: synthesized, integrated
总理 (zǒng lǐ)
Noun: premier, prime minister
总统 (zǒng tǒng)
Noun: president (of a country)
总之 (zǒng zhī)
Conjunction: in short, in a word
阻止 (zǔ zhǐ)
Verb: to prevent, to stop
嘴巴 (zuǐ ba)
Noun: mouth
最初 (zuì chū)
Time: first, initial
作出 (zuò chū)
Verb: to put out, to make (decision)
做梦 (zuò mèng)
Verb: to dream
作为 (zuò wéi)
Noun: conduct, act Verb: to accomplish, to act as Conjunction: as
HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]
This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.