French Phrases You Can Use Immediately

Once you start learning a new language, you want to use it immediately. The French phrases listed below allow you to do exactly that. For even more phrases, take a look at our learning resources for French at the end of the page.
20 Easy French Phrases
Other Useful Phrases in French

20 Easy French Phrases

please in FrenchS'il vous plaît
thank you in Frenchmerci
sorry in Frenchdésolé
I want this in FrenchJe veux ça
I want more in FrenchJe veux plus
I know in Frenchje sais
I don't know in FrenchJe ne sais pas
Can you help me? in FrenchPouvez-vous m'aider ?
I don't like this in FrenchJe n'aime pas ça
I like you in FrenchJe t'aime bien
I love you in FrenchJe t'aime
I miss you in FrenchTu me manques
see you later in Frenchà plus tard
Come with me in FrenchViens avec moi
turn right in Frenchtourne à droite
turn left in Frenchtourne à gauche
go straight in FrenchVa tout droit
What's your name? in FrenchQuel est ton nom ?
My name is David in FrenchJe m'appelle David
I'm 22 years old in FrenchJ'ai 22 ans

French Phrases You Can Use ImmediatelyYouTube

Other Useful Phrases in French

hi in Frenchsalut
hello in Frenchbonjour
bye bye in Frenchau revoir
ok in Frenchd'accord
cheers in FrenchSanté
welcome in Frenchbienvenue
I agree in Frenchje suis d'accord
Where is the toilet? in FrenchOù sont les toilettes ?
How are you? in Frenchcomment ça va ?
I have a dog in FrenchJ'ai un chien
I want to go to the cinema in FrenchJe veux aller au cinéma
You definitely have to come in FrenchTu dois définitivement venir
This is quite expensive in FrenchCeci est assez cher
This is my girlfriend Anna in FrenchC'est ma petite amie Anna
Let's go home in FrenchRentrons à la maison
Silver is cheaper than gold in FrenchL'argent est moins cher que l'or
Gold is more expensive than silver in FrenchL'or est plus cher que l'argent

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French Vocabulary Books

Learn French - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn French - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated French word frequency list with 2000 of the most common French words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
French Vocabulary Book

French Vocabulary Book

This French vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

French Flashcards


French Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find French flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable French Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all French flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources